Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board தமிழ்நாடு மாசு கட்டுப்பாடு வாரியம்

Board Proceedings

S.No Details
1 B.P.No.46 dated.24.07.2024 - TNPCB - Fixation of Inlet Quality Standards for The Textile Common Effluent Treatment Plants (Cetps) Having Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) System As Per The Ministry Of Environment, Forest And Climate Change, Government of India Notification S.O.4(E) Dated: 01.01.2016
2 TNPCB-Modernization of TNPCB - Formation, Functions & Activities of the Information Technology Wing
3 B.P.No.19 dated 03.04.2023 - TNPCB -To Consider The Revised Delegation of Powers to ZLCCC and JCEE(Monitoring) for issue of CTE/CTO and Renewal of Consent to certain types of Industries under Red-Large and Red-Medium Category of Industries.
4 B.P.No.65 dated 22.08.2022 - TNPCB - Protocol to be followed by the Existing and proposed Charcoal Manufacruring Industries Inview of Complaince of Hon'ble NGT(SZ) Order Dated 20.11.2020 IN O.A.NO.17,24 etc,of 2013.
5 B.P.No.61 dated 23.08.2022-TNPCB-P&D To consider the decentralisation of Powers for issue of CTE/CTO and renewal of Consent to certain types of Industries under Red-Medium and Red-Large category of Industries to Zonal Level Consent Clearance Committee and to Joint Chief Environmental Engineer (Monitoring)
6 B.P.No.23 dated 08.12.2021 - TNPCB - Extending the time Granted in B.P.No.37, Dated: 14.08.2020 to switch over to Mechanical Evaporator followed by Agitated Thin Film Dryer for Disposal of final RO Rejects for further period of six months as a final chance for the IETPS/CETPS of Textile Processing Units (Bleaching, Dyeing and Printing) and Tannery Units having Effluent Generation Quantity of 100 KLD and Above.
7 B.P.No.15 dated 07.05.2021 - TNPCB- Diversified Consent Fees As Per the Gross Fixed Assets, Category and classification of the existing but not applied units for issuing CTO-Direct and Under Section 25 of the Water(P&CP Act, 1974 and Under Section 21 of The Air(P&CP)Act,1981
8 B.P.No.37 dated 14.08.2020 - Extending the time granted in B.P.No.31 dated 30.07.2018, B.P.No.01 dated: 22.01.2019, B.P.No.13 dated 22.04.2019 and B.P.No.63 dated 26.11.2019 to switch over to Mechanical Evaporator followed by Agitated Thin Film Dryer for disposal of final RO rejects on or before 31.03.2021 by the IETPs Textile Processing units (Bleaching, Dyeing and Printing) and Tannery units having effluent generation quantity of 100 KLD and above and the existing Member units of the proposed Common Reject Management System (CRMS) shall ensure installation ATFD at CRMS facility for their disposal of the RO rejects, till then Member units shall operate their individual existing RMS for the disposal of RO rejects.
9 B.P.No.27 dated 07.08.2020 - District Reforms Action Plan - Online Application For Consent/ Authorisation From The Enterprises/Industries-Orders Issued .
10 B.P.No.65 dated 27.11.2019 - Consider the remittance of consent fees by the society/welfare associations of building and construction projects based on the gross fixed assets value of amenities such as cost of sewage treatment plant organic waste convertor, diesel generator sets for obtaining renewal of consent of the board every year.
11 B.P.No.69 dated 26.11.2019 - TNPCB-P&D- Proposal for necessary financial concurrence and release of fund Rs.139 lakhs to the District Forest Officer (DFO), Chennai Forest Division for creation of Urban Arboretum in Greater Chennai Corporation as per the Announcements made by the Hon'ble Minister for Environment while moving the budget demand for the Environment Department in the Legislative Assembly session 2018-19- Orders-Issued.
12 B.P. No. 61 dated 26.11.2019 - Consider and Order National Highways Authority of India to obtain consent of the board Under the Water(Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974 and the Air(Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1984 for their Tollways Amenities Established and to Remit Consent fee based on gross fixed Assets on the cost of Establishment of Tollways, Considering Orange Category.
13 B.P. No. 63 dated 26.11.2019 - TNPCB-Industries- Extending the time period upto 31.03.2020 to switch over to Mechanical Evaporator followed by Agitated thin film Dryer for Textile and Tannery units.
14 B.P. No. 21 dated 31.07.2019 - TNPCB-Relaxing 1 KM distance criteria for the existing and new stone crushers in the state Tamil Nadu.
15 B.P. No. 44 dated 18.12.2018 - Guidelines for transfer of shares among the CETP members, clarification on applicablity of G.O relaxation and environmental clearance while granting consent for increase in production within the consented trade effluent quantity to the textile dyeing and tannery units.
16 B.P. No. 08 dated 05.03.2019 - Issuing guidelines for the existing consented stone crushing units to go for expansion along with M-sand unit.
17 B.P. No. 01 dated 22.01.2019 - ATFD to all Textile and Tannery units
18 B.P. No. 46 dated 18.12.2018 - TNPCB-Industries-Biomedical Waste from the Health care Facilites situated anywhere in TamilNadu can be taken for treatment and disposal by a common Biomedical Waste Treatment and disposal facility situated anywhere in Tamilnadu and there is no restiction for establishment of another common Biomedical waste treatment facility within a radial distance of 75 Kms.
19 B.P. No. 25 dated 30.07.2018 - TNPCB- Presentation of Green Awards to Recognized residential welfare association & Gated Communities for every year from 2017-18 onwards at a cost of Rs.5 Lakhs.
20 B.P. No. 26 dated 30.07.2018 - TNPCB- Categorization of M-SAND Units & to evolve Guidelines towards siting of M-SAND Units and on processing of consent application pertaining to M-SAND Units.
21 B.P. No. 27 dated 30.07.2018 - TNPCB- Delegation of powers to DLCCC to decide on issue of CTE/CTO for mining of minor minerals falling under B2 category projects which are granted Environmental Clearance by the DEIAA & SEIAA(upto 25 HEC)
22 B.P. No. 32 dated 30.07.2018 - TNPCB- Guidelines with respect to transfer of CETP Membership, disposal of chemical sludge by the textile bleaching & dyeing units and Tanneries.
23 B.P. No. 31 dated 30.07.2018 - TNPCB- Instructions to the textile bleaching,dyeing and printing units who have provided/proposed to provide Zero Liquid Discharge system shall provide mechanical evaporator followed by Agitated thin film Dyer.
24 B.P. No. 63 dated 28.11.2017 - Revision in Delegation of Powers to the Officers of TNPCB for Granting of Consent and Authorization in Order to Expedite Speedy Disposal of Application for consent / Authorization.
25 B.P. No. 6 dated 02.08.2016 - Additional type of Industries included
26 Proceedings No.P&D/F.21621/2015, dated 31.10.2016 on Stone/Savudu Quarries
27 B.P. No. 6 dated 02.08.2016 - Recategorization of Industries
28 B.P. No. 5 dated 02.08.2016 - Validity of consent order
29 B.P. No. 48 dated 22.08.2017 - Deligation of additional powers to ZLCCC
30 Proceeding No.TNPCB/OCMMS/F.No.6517/2017-2 Dated:4.7.2017 -Inspection Procedure Consent
31 Proceeding No.TNPCB/OCMMS/F.No.6517/2017-1 Dated:4.7.2017 - Inspection Procedure-HW
32 Procedure consent with list of attachment
33 B.P. No. 6 dated 02.08.2016 - Revised category with white category
34 Proceeding No.TNPCB/OCMMS/F.No.6517/2017 Dated:4.7.2017 - Time limit for processing
35 B.P. No. 55 dated 23.10.2017 - TNPCB- Implementation of Auto Renewal of Consent To Establish