Students Particulars Form For ECOmmute
About The Scheme

Air pollution level in Chennai is high and the city faces considerable traffic congestion.
The planet is facing serious impacts of climate change due the large scale emission of greenhouse gases and Chennai is very vulnerable to cyclones, floods and drinking water scarcity.
Due to school students being dropped & picked up by cars, scooters and motorcycles on a large scale, there is severe traffic congestion on several roads especially near the school entrances.
The local air pollution and noise pollution near the schools is also very high due to large number of vehicles crowding near the school gate and the idling of engines releasing highly poisonous carbon monoxide. Several children suffer severe exposure to air pollution as they wait at the gate to be picked up by vehicles.
The local air pollution around the school persists for a long time causing health impacts to the students, teachers and other staff of the schools.

Hence there is a need to create awareness amongst schools, parents and students about the problems and take steps to tackle the problem.

Why ECOmmute

  • The local air pollution and noise pollution near the schools is also very high due to large number of vehicles crowding near the school gate and the idling of engines releasing highly poisonous carbon monoxide. Several children suffer severe exposure to air pollution as they wait at the gate to be picked up by vehicles.

  • The school students will be made aware of air pollution, greenhouse gases, global warming and its impacts, carbon footprint and the benefits of adopting eco-friendly means of transport.

  • ECOmmute means commuting between home and school by either walk, cycle, public transport, E-cycle, E-vehicle, School bus or private van. The schools will encourage the students to adopt ‘ECOmmute’

ECOmmute Certificate Scheme

  • All High schools / Higher Secondary Schools in Chennai can participate, Students of 8th, 9th and 10th standard will only be considered as they are capable of easily adopting ECOmmute means and are also in the receptive age category.
  • Criteria for certification as ECOmmute School –The school shall collect details from all High school students in the prescribed format. The school should then submit to TNPCB the names of high school students who ECOmmute to school i.e., commute between home and school by either walk, cycle, public transport, E-cycle, E-vehicle, School bus or private van.
    (I)The number of such students should be at least 90 % of the total strength of High school students
    (II) No personal motor vehicle to to drop any High school student within 100 metres from the school gate.
  • The Schools are requested to encourage their students to adopt above ‘ECOmmute’ means and if they meet the above criteria, they can apply for ECOmmute certification in the form prescribed by TNPCB by 15.03.2022.
General Instructions
  • Schools here refer to High School or Higher Secondary School with 8 th , 9 th and 10 th standards. Student here refers to only the students of 8 th , 9 th and 10 th standard only.
  • Schools that wish to apply for ECOmmute shall submit their details in ECOmmute Menu available in the TNPCB website “”
  • Schools can downloadSTUDENTS PARTICULARS FORM FOR ECOmmute available in ECOmmute webpage and get the form duly filled and signed by the parents of each student and the data thus obtained is to be entered in STUDENT DATA SHEET. The filled in Student Data Sheet is to be uploaded in the webpage of TNPCB ECOmmute.
  • The first stage of the process is Registration. To register
    • Click on Signup and fill in the required details on the page.
    • Get the OTP verified and your login credentials are created.
  • After successful verification of OTP, Profile page opens and further instructions are given in subsequent pages.
  • Locate Us:

    76, Mount Salai, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.

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  • Call Us:

    +91 9500076438