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... a centralised platform for trading of wastes

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News Update Waste Exchange Bureau is a web-based portal providing information on the various waste generators and receviers    |    Online Waste exchange management system

About Waste Exchange Bureau

Waste Exchange Bureau is a web-based portal providing information on the various waste generators, availability of different wastes and recycling facilities in the state of Tamil Nadu for commercial purposes. This web portal acts as a centralized platform for bringing together all stakeholders involved in the waste management system for waste exchange, covering different types of wastes in order to promote Circular Economy.

In this web portal, waste generators (industries) and waste receivers (recyclers, utilizers, pre-processors, co-processors) in the state of Tamil Nadu can register and know about the availability of different types of wastes registered from time to time and do easy communication with stakeholders for waste exchange in open options and generate manifest for transport of the wastes and do trading of wastes in an accountable manner. This web portal functions as an "e-commerce web site" and facilitate trading of wastes in an easy and transparent way.

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Generators Waste Available

Values are in tonnes

Receivers Waste Received