- Form for Submission of Application for Categorization of material as By-Product.
- Application Form for Authorisation under HOWM Rules, 2016.
- Form for Maintaining Records of hazardous and other wastes.
- Form for filing Annual Returns to TNPCB every year before 30th June.
- Application Form for import or export of hazardous and other wastes for reuse or recycling or co-processing or utilisation.
- Application Form for One Time Authorisation of Traders for Part-D of Schedule-III of Other Waste.
- Form for Labelling of Containers of Hazardous and other Waste.
- List of processes generating hazardous wastes.
- List of hazardous waste constituents with concentration limits.
- List of hazardous wastes applicable for import and export with prior informed consent.
- List of other wastes applicable for import and export and not requiring prior informed consent.
- List of other wastes applicable for import and export without permission from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi.
- List of commonly recyclable hazardous wastes.
- List of hazardous and other wastes prohibited for import.